World Health Organization

General Assembly

Committee Descriptions:

The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes the importance of universal health, regardless of socioeconomic status or geographical location. Specifically, topic 1 will focus on access to healthcare in conflict zones through discussions on protection and strengthening of healthcare facilities, safety of healthcare workers, and resource shortages. On the other hand, in topic 2, we will delve into discussions on emerging chemical threats through exploring frameworks for chemical safety and preventive measures. We're not just here to 'band-aid' problems, we're here to find comprehensive solutions.

Topic A: Emergency Healthcare in War Zones

Topic B: Chemical Safety

The dais is excited to meet all of the delegates at BSSMUN 2025! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at serenaf26@bss.on.ca.

Background Guide

BGs will be released closer to the conference date

Head Chair

Serena F

Co Chair

Kate Z

Co Chair

Gabby K