
Secretary General

Yuki W 

Hello delegates! My name is Yuki, and it’s my pleasure to be your Secretary General for BSSMUN’s 3rd iteration. I’ve been doing MUN since 9th grade and some of the most memorable experiences that I’ve had so far in highschool have been with my wonderful MUN team that’s supporting me for BSSMUN as well. I’ve won and participated in SSUNS, UTMUN, PMUNC and more, and I’m so excited to host a conference of our own. Please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us! With months of preparation with my supportive team, I am beyond delighted to welcome you all to BSSMUN 2025.


USGs of Committee Affairs

General Assembly Head

Ava O'C

Hi my name is Ava and I am a grade 11 student at BSS. It is my pleasure to be your USG of committees for this year's conference. I have been in Model UN for 3 years attending conferences on a local and global scale. I am so excited to work with our team and be the co-chair of BFC. Cant wait to see you all!

Specialized & Crisis Head

Laila S  

Hi! My name is Laila and I am a grade 11 student at BSS. I have been participating in Model UN since grade 9 and it has allowed me to learn the importance of diplomacy, collaboration, and honing my public speaking skills. As the USG of Committees, I am beyond excited for all of you to join us for BSSMUN25 & hope that you can take away some very valuable lessons!!!

        USGs of Communications & IT

Christina C  

Hi everyone! I’m Christina, and I’m a grade 11 student at BSS. I’ve been a part of our amazing Model UN community for two years now, and I've made so many unforgettable memories with our team. I’m so excited to be your USG of communications this year at BSSMUN, as well as the Chair of the Black Panther Global Development Council. I hope you all enjoy this conference as much as we enjoyed organizing it, and I look forward to meeting you all!

Chargés D'affaires

Serena F

Hi everyone, my name is Serena. I started MUN in grade 9 and am currently a grade 11 student. It is a privilege to serve as BSSMUN’s 2025 Chargé d'Affaires and as Chair of WHO. I have had the opportunity to participate in multiple conferences, both locally and internationally, and I look forward to seeing all of you at the conference!

USGs of Operations

Amanda Y

Heyy! Welcome to BSSMUN! I am Amanda, and I will be serving as your operations head for BSSMUN2024. I have always loved being apart of the Model UN community, attending conferences and hosting them. Looking forward to meeting you all!

Zafira B 

Hi! My name is Zafira Bhanji-Keshavjee, I am in grade 11 and have been doing MUN since grade 9. I am thrilled to return to BSSMUN as a Chair for Crisis and Head of Operations after having the same roles last year, and I’m excited to take on the role of Head of Delegate Networking this year. I absolutely loved facilitating Crisis and managing the logistics that made last year’s conference a success. I am looking forward to organizing this years gala and making it a memorable!

USGs of Finance

Njála B 

Hi! My name is Njála, and I'm the head USG of Finance for BSSMUN. I have been a part of BSS's Model UN for a couple years now, and participated in last year's BSSMUN. I am doing finance, as I have taken accounting, and like organising things.

USGs of Policy and Equity

Meryn F

Hello everyone! My name is Meryn and I am in grade 12 at BSS. I have been doing model UN since 9th grade and am the current co-head of our BSS Model Un team as well as the director of equity for this years conference. I can't wait to meet everyone and get to know you all!

Delegate Networking 

Teacher Supervisors 

Inma García Palacios 

Nicole Patterson