Position Paper 

What is a position paper?

It is a paper written before the conference that outlines the country's position on that topic in your respective committee. They will help delegates start their preliminary research and organize their plans before the conference. 


Please keep in mind that these are only recommendations. Although we highly encourage you to follow these guidelines, it is not a strict rule you must follow. 

Delegates in General Assemblies and specialized committees should state their country or person’s position on both topics assigned. Delegates in Crisis should follow their character position on the main event. 

In a good position paper, there should be an introduction, and body sections supported with logical reasoning and evidence, ending with a conclusion. The paper should outline the country’s past actions along with what they hope to achieve during the committee session. 

The main goal of a position paper is to outline their country’s/character’s proposed solution/plan. Their plan should be as feasible and logical as possible. The Dias will look favorably for research-based, actionable, and specific plans. If you are a character, papers can describe a character's relation with others if possible. 

Writing style is also taken into consideration. Please use formal language, unless you are a character, please refrain from using ‘I’. Additionally, avoid repetition excessively and employ the use of appropriate vocabulary. 

We also recommend you break up your paper into sections such as “Topic 1” and “Topic 2” to help your dias better follow along. If there are no topics then please write about the situation at hand. 

Position Paper Guidelines 

A position paper is mandatory for award eligibility and all delegates are encouraged to complete them for the conference. 

All position papers must be submitted to your chair’s email found Here 

Note: Crisis delegates do not need a position paper, but it is encouraged to write one. 

Formatting requirements 

*Please cite all things that are not general knowledge or not your own idea. 

Submission Requirements 


Every committee will have a Best Position Paper award. Delegates who do not submit before the deadline will not be eligible for an award. Delegate please don't plagiarize, you will also not be eligible for awards and your supervisor will be contacted. The usage of ChatGpt is also not allowed. Please do not think that we can’t tell, because we can as your dias is familiar with the concept and the writing style of ChatGpt.

If you have any questions or concerns please email Yuki Wen or Dora Chen, Under Secretary General of Committees (yukiw26@bss.on.ca, dorac25@bss.on.ca