The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

General Assembly: Population controll and Helping Female Victims of Sexual Violence

Committee Description

UN Women is the UN entity dedicated to gender equality and women’s empowerment. In this committee, we will be discussing two topics: women’s health and reproductive rights, and women’s rights in conflicts and disasters. With the world’s decreasing population growth rate, numerous countries are faced with the issue of an aging population and thus the search for a solution. In implementing population policies, nations often neglect women’s health and reproductive rights in ways including but not limited to excluding women from decision-making and providing inadequate healthcare. Furthermore, with the ongoing global conflicts, women are placed in positions more vulnerable to violence and sexual violence. However, despite their vulnerability, women’s economic opportunities and political representation during conflicts remain low, reflecting the world’s exclusion of half its population from the problem-solving process. Through committee sessions, this committee aims to answer three essential questions: 

1) How should women’s reproductive and health rights be considered with population control policies? 

2) How can women be helped with violence and sexual violence, both during and not during conflicts? 

3) How can women’s economic and political representation in conflicts be enhanced while protecting them from harm and violence?

The Chair is excited to meet all of the delegates at BSSMUN 2023! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at bssmun@bss.on.ca  


Cyrilla C


Vice Chair 

Summer O
